11 January 2010


Today is Monday. I leave on Friday... Friday!! Which means that all of those mental notes I have made for myself over the last two months need to materialize magically, now. Please.

Though I'm feeling overwhelmed, anxious, nervous, and even a little sad, I am without a doubt excited. I just need to keep reminding myself to breathe, and that no matter how many travel sized bottles I buy and travel books I read, the only thing that I can truly expect is the unexpected. I plan to board my plane from Baltimore on Friday with an open mind, an open heart, and most importantly, open eyes. I know that this will be the experience of a lifetime and I will be bringing with me all of the love and support of my family and friends. I will miss you all dearly and cannot wait to bring you all with me each step of my journey.

I know you all will want pictures, which I promise to take. I can't promise that I will be able to post them up with each blog entry though, as most of these posts will be published directly from my (extremely weak) semester at sea email account (amharburger@semesteratsea.net). I do promise to "paint pictures with my words" of the sites I see, the people I encounter, and the emotions I feel , with as much vividness as I can.

For the next four months, the ocean will be my home. I'll miss you Pittsburgh. Goodbye house-- World, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. So excited to hear about your adventures my darling! Be safe & have fun!

    (this is Paulina by the way)
